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9 July 2021
Horizon Europe Brokerage Event for Cluster 6

Bridge2HE invited researchers, entrepreneurs, and other stakeholders to submit pitch videos for a chance to present their project idea addressing one of the topics contained in the 2021 work programme for Cluster 6: 'Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment' calls. And the opportunity was enthusiastically received!

A pitch video is a 3-minute video presentation where future coordinators can show who they are, what project idea they have, and who they are looking for. See them all!

Pitch Videos:

1) Flavio R. Ortigao, Recupera - 'Conversion of Waste Plastics to White Hydrogen and Chemicals' (Flavio R. Ortigao, Recupera.pdf)

2) Dixon Bryan, T-Bryan OÜ - 'Up Safe, elevator disinfection' (Dixon Bryan, T-Bryan OÜ.pdf)

3) Tom Scrope, Nova Q - 'Microbial Management in RAS' (Tom Scrope, Nova Q.pdf)

4) Ozgu Turgut, WASTE-WISE - 'Digitalisation and automation of food waste value chain' (Ozgu Turgut, WASTE-WISE.pdf)

5) Krzysztof Kanawka, Blue Dot Solutions - 'Use satelitte data in your project' (Krzysztof Kanawka, Blue Dot Solutions.pdf)

6) Yasmin Dorfstetter, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) - 'AGROFORESTRY from the tree side' (Yasmin Dorfstetter, BOKU.pdf)

7) Kalvince Otieno, Food Security for Peace and Nutrition-Africa (FSPN-Africa) - 'Digital Agriculture Africa' (Kalvince Otieno, FSPN-Africa.pdf)

8) Alejandro Navarro Galiano, Tradecorp International - 'Enhancing Crop Quality and Nutritional Value through Innovative Solutions' (Alejandro Navarro, Tradecorp International.pdf)

9) Christoph Stahl, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) - 'EMPHASY - EMPower Healthy And Sustainable DietarY Behaviour' (Christoph Stahl, LIST.pdf)

10) Rosa Perez-Gregorio & Susana Soares, REQUIMTE/LAQV, FoodPhenoLab - 'Eat Tasty to Be Healthy' (Rosa Perez-Gregorio & Susana Soares - REQUIMTELAQV & FoodPhenoLab.pdf)

11) Liangxiu Han, Manchester Metropolitan University - 'Big Data-Driven Decision Support for Precision Farming' (Liangxiu Han, Manchester Metropolitan University.pdf)

12) Louise Cosby, Agri Food and Biosciences Institute / Queen’s University Belfast - 'Novel Vaccines, Associated Diagnostics and Therapeutic Approaches for Priority RNA Virus Diseases' (Louise Cosby - Agri Food and Biosciences Institute & Queen’s University Belfast.pdf)

13) Margarita Ruiz Ramos Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - 'HORIZON-CL6-2021-FARM2FORK-01-04 Tackling outbreaks of plant pests - Supporting farmers to transform cropping systems' (Margarita Ruiz Ramos Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.pdf)

Closed since 30 September 2021
Organised by
Participants 2064
Meetings 2212
Spain 332
Italy 170
Portugal 169
Türkiye 164
Belgium 113
United Kingdom 113
France 90
Germany 90
Poland 87
Ireland 62
Israel 52
Greece 50
Hungary 43
Netherlands 32
Austria 32
Switzerland 31
Finland 30
Bulgaria 30
Czech Republic 29
Denmark 26
Slovakia 24
Latvia 21
Romania 20
Brazil 20
Estonia 18
Norway 15
Ukraine 15
Luxembourg 14
Sweden 14
Lithuania 13
Slovenia 13
Colombia 13
Croatia 10
Bosnia And Herzegovina 10
Argentina 10
Serbia 9
Malaysia 9
Chile 9
Cyprus 8
South Africa 8
Tunisia 7
Iceland 6
Kenya 5
Malta 4
Canada 4
Georgia 2
North Macedonia 2
Thailand 2
Ecuador 2
Philippines 2
Montenegro 1
Iran, Islamic Republic Of 1
Martinique 1
Algeria 1
United States 1
Turks And Caicos Islands 1
Taiwan 1
Côte d'Ivoire 1
Holy See (vatican City State) 1
India 1
China 1
Zimbabwe 1
Ethiopia 1
Moldova, Republic Of 1
Rwanda 1
Peru 1
Total 2070
Profile views
Before event 68478
After event 18691
Total 87169